Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Beat a Heat Wave

It seems like just yesterday I was fantasizing about summer. Well, the wait is over! It's as hot as it's ever going to be. In a few days I leave Scandinavia behind, where it has been perfectly cool and come home to New York, where it's blazing hot. Ugh. I really don't think I'm ready for the city heat. plan to beat this year's summer heat wave is with ice cream. Or gelato. Or sorbet. Or granita (with a little booze mixed in for a fun slush!). You get the idea. Just like me, I suggest you eat lots of it this summer, too.

What's your favorite hot weather treat? I'm always looking for new ideas (and excuses to eat sweets!).

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what's my doctor's stance about low calorie sweeteners and pregnancy. I am so craving for an ice cream cone right now.
