Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Back to School Baking

This time of year always makes me feel like a kid again. With a bit of melancholy, I know the freewheeling days of summer are over. But it's the start of a new year, so to speak, and good things are ahead! Fall schedules tend to be more hectic, so what's the answer to this change in season? What kind of desserts will get us through? Simple ones. The kinds of treats you craved when you were a kid. And the kinds of desserts you can make once and enjoy for the next month.

Here are a few lunchbox-friendly ideas:

* Make a double batch of your favorite cookie dough (chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar). Bake a few cookies right away, for instant gratification, then shape the rest of the dough into a log. Wrap well in plastic and freeze. Slice and bake the rest of the cookies whenever you have time... or get a craving.

* Did you know you can freeze brownies? Not that a pan of them is very hard to polish off, but it's good to know in case you'd like to keep some extras on hand. Bake a second pan, portion them out, wrap individually in plastic and freeze. Who knows? You might love the frozen kind even more.

* Granola is one of those borderline breakfast items. Depending on what you mix into it, you might actually consider it a dessert. Whatever you call it, fall is the perfect time to whip up a big batch. Stock up on ingredients in the bulk section of your grocery store and double or triple your recipe. You can freeze whatever you don't plan to eat within a week.

What are you baking this fall?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Apple Pie Season

Image via Time Out New York magazine

It's September, which marks the official start of Apple Pie Season (in my book). The markets are ripe with heirloom varieties of all shapes and sizes–and it's finally cool enough to turn on your oven! To get you inspired, here's a link to my entry in Time Out New York's best apple pie contest from a few years back: Farmers' Market Cortlandt Apple Pie with Pecan-Oatmeal Streusel. It won a not-too-shabby third place. 

Here's hoping it will inspire a pie bake-off of your own!